Map prepared by CCL President Michael Gessel, which he displayed at the public budget hearing on March 24, 2009, showing that Cherrydale Library (the gold star)--despite its nearness to Central Library--serves the largest portion of Arlington County of all the branch libraries. |
Cherrydale Library—despite its name—serves mainly citizens who do not live in
Cherrydale. Only we in the northern tip of Cherrydale live closer to Cherrydale
Library and value its convenience. Other Arlingtonians who live closer to Cherrydale
Library than to Central Library include the residents of every neighborhood north of
Lee Highway and east of Glebe Road. These are:
- Arlingwood
- Chain Bridge Forest
- Stafford Albemarle Glebe
- Old Glebe
- Rivercrest
- Gulf Branch
- Bellevue Forest
- Donaldson Run
- Dover-Crystal
- Riverwood
- Woodmont
- Maywood
- Half of Old Dominion.
Neighborhoods located roughly equal distance from Cherrydale Library and Central
Library include Glebewood, Waverly Hills, North Highlands, Colonial Village, and
North Rosslyn. Residents of those neighborhoods might—and undoubtedly some do—choose
to travel to Cherrydale Library rather than to Central.If Westover Library is shut down for three months starting in July—as proposed by
the County Manager—Cherrydale Library would become the closest library to several
additional neighborhoods, including:
- Rock Spring
- Yorktown
- Williamsburg
- John M. Langston
In sum, Cherrydale Library represents a significant convenience to a larger portion
of Arlington County than any of the other six branch libraries. Many of us living north of
Lee Highway and east of Glebe Road value it, use it, and love it.If you agree, please e-mail, write, or phone the County Board.
Arlington County Board Office
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 228-3130